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KuroNekko wrote:Oh, I forgot to tell my car advice story from today.
So a female co-worker (my office knows me as a gearhead car nut) emails me this morning saying her car is making very strange, loud, awful noises following a tire rotation at a dealership. She called the young flirty service adviser and told him about it. He dismissed it and said it was merely because her rear tires were "worn to zero". She then asked me if that was possible. I told her I'd take a look at her tires.

Later that day, I went and looked at her 2012 Mazda CX-7 (I told her to go for the CX-5, but she went for the 7 because of the styling :roll: ). Anyhow, her rear tires had rather low tread left, but not an alarming amount and nothing that could cause "noise". I then test rode with her and we found out it was coming from her front driver side wheel. It was a noise I've never heard before. Sounded somewhat like a tire hitting a wheel well trim piece, but still different. I had her park in the garage and I inspected her tire and wheel well. Nothing abnormal. Puzzled, I then looked and touched her lug nuts. Loose. How loose? I loosened them with very light pressure from my fingers. All of them this loose. The Toyota DEALERSHIP she got her service from did not even tighten her lug nuts!!! The noise was from her wheel wobbling on the wheel studs. What the flying F.

I showed her this and told her she was very lucky to make it to work from the dealership. They were so loose that they could have come off rather easily and caused an accident or serious damage to her car. I got out her spare tire kit and tightened all the lug nuts to what my experience tells me is about 90 foot pounds of torque and checked all other wheels (they were OK). I then told her that the dealership made an inexcusable error and the fact that the service adviser dismissed her complaint with some bullshit was absolutely unacceptable.
She then told me that she was going to call the dealership as soon as I left and that she was "going to let her Dominican and a good bit of Jersey come out on them". At that point, I quickly left her car.
Not the first time I've heard of something like that happening. Easy mistake, but could have been quite costly. Service advisors in general are boneheads imo. Their job is upsales and bs talking to get people to agree to service they don't need. Adn then on the back end, technicians rush to get more work and pay and make mistakes or cut important corners. The automotive service industry has a bad rep in the US for a reason.

This is the type of thing which I bring up with the General Manager of the dealership and Service Manager. If they don't bend over backwards and thank their stars nothing happened and give me a full refund on the job, then they just don't care. And I've seen dealerships that don't care and still stay in business.

I can't believe how often women choose cars based on their looks. Another reason why I stopped advising them! They're crazy! :lol:
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KuroNekko wrote:"going to let her Dominican and a good bit of Jersey come out on them"
:o :shock: :drive:

Ahhhhhhhhh Run Away !!!!!
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Dominican? Shoot, my wife is Bulgarian!! i leave the toilet seat up and wake up with my prize winning Boxer's head in my bed!!!
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