Can't Change Timezone

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Hey! When I try to change the Timezone on my account back from DST, from UTC-5 to UTC-6, I get a "Time zone you selected is invalid" error when I try to submit the form.
InvalidTimeZone.PNG (69.73 KiB) Viewed 24213 times
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'93 Ford Escort (Jorge - Prior)
'06 Kia Optima EX (Sakuya - Prior)
'11 Suzuki Kizashi SE AWD (Azumi)
'09 Subaru Impreza 2.5i Base 5MT(Akari - Prior)
'11 Chevy Cruze Eco 6MT (Erika - Prior)
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Probably an error in the forum software. I'll likely be updating it sometime in the next couple of weeks.

We are a few version behind.
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