2010 suzuki kizashi output speed sensor location

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old tech
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Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:51 pm
Location: n/w pennsysvania

The output shaft speed sensor is mounted on topside of transmission directly under the throttle body. Usually this code is accompanied by a low pressure code P0776 or P0777. The speed sensor code is indicating an incorrect shaft speed that is nearly always belt slippage caused by a failing primary pulley. I have never seen this speed sensor fail on its own. The original pulley design is not heavy enough and usually wont withstand more than 120-130k miles especially if never serviced. The best sure fire repair is an overhauled unit or rebuilding of your trans. There are too many possible issues that a novice can handle and /or cause on this thing and a junkyard unit is typically a very expensive gamble. I make a unit with an upgraded primary pulley ready to go for $850 plus your old one , or I can rebuild yours for the same price. If needed ,I can do the installation as well . Im in n/w pa. Pm me if I can be of help.
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