Hello from Dayton, OH

Introduce yourself here, also we will post links to topics we find the most valuable on the forum to help out new members.
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Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:11 am

Greetings. I am a new member of the Kizashi Club. I've been following this forum for about a year but just registered today. I am a retired Fed (55 yrs old), a former Marine, and own a Red 2011 Kizashi SLS w/AWD, Nav, and approx. 33k miles on the odometer. I also own 2 BMWs (325ic & X3). I traveled to NY to buy my Kizashi and with the exception of paint issues, poor tread wear on the stock Dunlops, & peeling on my rims....I have few regrets with the car or my purchase.

I know many folks probably think I'm crazy owning BMWs and a Suzuki. However, I think the Kizzy is comparable in its handling and steering feel. The BMWs I own have hydraulic pwr steering and the Kizzy has electric pwr steering but it's the best handling/"feeling" electric pwr steering I've driven. Yes, better feel (especial on-center) than the new BMWs with electric pwr steering. Additionally, you can't buy a vehicle with as many options and AWD at a price under $30-35K.

I'll close for now but will say, I really enjoy everyone's comments and the topics on this forum. I am a car buff having owned 36 vehicles in my 39 yrs of driving. I don't offer any 'expert' opinions but look forward to interacting with the other members and providing my humble opinions and a few comments on the issues presented.

Thanks for taking time to read this & hope to write several posts within the next few days. Take care & Semper Fi !
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Welcome! You're absolutely right about the value of the Kizashi.

What are some interesting vehicles you owned in the past?
Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:11 am

Most memorable, good question. Well, I've owned a 2005 Honda Pilot, a Honda CRV, an Isuzu Trooper (forgot what year but a superb vehicle despite what Consumers Report says), a slew of BMWs including a 2010 528i and a 1997 Z3. I've owned a couple Ford Probes (basically Mazdas), a VW Fox, a 66 Chevy Nova, and a 67 Ford Mustang. Also think of an Infiniti G20, Pontiac Fiero, Jeep Liberty, and my Mazda Miata. Theres been a lot of others...but those are ones that come to mind for a variety of reasons. I think American cars have come a long way and some are now tempting buys. However, I really-really prefer German & Japanese vehicles. :)

BTW: I usually own 3 vehicles at any one time but will sell one of them come Fall and look for another purchase come Spring. Can't help myself I guess...has become a hobby of mine. My wife isn't crazy about it but she doesn't mind having an extra vehicle (or two) around when we need it for a specific purpose. I.e like using the SUV to transport our Dog (Doberman) places or to pack it to the gills (tennis racquets & golf clubs) when we go on vacation.
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Interesting to hear of new members joining up who've been following the forum for a while. Truth be told, I was hardly active in automotive forums until I got the Kizashi. I used to browse them when I had issues or needed advice, but this is the first one I got really involved with. I think the main motivator was the fact that the Kizashi is very rare and members are very few compared to comparable cars.

Regarding the new BMW steering feel: I've actually read that quite a bit. A lot of critics have said that BMWs, especially the 3 Series, have lost their touch. It's said that BMW has turned them into a volume seller so they got soft and cushy instead of being the defining sports sedan that they used to be. This was done to make them more appealing to people who'd otherwise go with Lexus or Benz.
In fact, I've read that some critics now call the Lexus IS the "new 3 Series" given their improvement in driving dynamics while BMWs have gone soft.
Truth be told, I think the 2 Series is the way to go for a performance-oriented BMW compact sports sedan these days short of the M3.

Regardless, the Kizashi is a good handling car for the money. The power can't match real sports sedans, but the handling and features are great for the money.
2011 Suzuki Kizashi Sport GTS 6MT (Black)
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Welcome and enjoy. I'm also an ex Fed, Ex Aus Customs & Border Protection, 55 yrs young and my Kizzie has almost 30000 klms on the clock.
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