Dodge Circuit EV Rant

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So apparently I missed this a few months back, but I still think Tesla Mortos should be able sue whatever is left of Dodge/Chrysler…. (Not that it really matters)

This car is/was a blatant rip-off of the Tesla Roster. I know they used a different lotus frame, but seriously they couldn't even come up one original idea…
Oh wait they did. "Let's put in giant Dodge grill so people won’t know it's a lotus."
I'm sure they could have got another mile or two out of their batteries with out that stupid inefficient design.

I really wish the government had just let them sink, and it is too bad Fiat came in to pick up the pieces… I know we need jobs in the country, but maybe we should start trying to get some better engineers back in this country. It is nonsense that we have to use lotus platforms for our cars.

Just Google
Dodge Circuit EV if you want to know more about the car…. I'm sure it will never be built in any form.
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